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  • October 21, 2019
  • 12:00 am

PA ADEEP Wave 1 to kick off October 21, 2019

The Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project will kick off the 2019-2020 grant year with Wave1 scheduled for October 21st to November 17th.  Over 200 municipal police agencies and the Pennsylvania State Police are scheduled to participate in reducing the number of Aggressive Driving related crashes, injuries, and deaths on roadways throughout the State.

The focus for this 4-week enforcement Wave will be Speeding, Following Too Closely (tailgating), School Bus violations, and Driving right, Passing left.

Law Enforcement agencies will monitor roadways for motorists exhibiting other unsafe driving behaviors; such as driving too fast for conditions, careless driving, red-light running, and any other aggressive driving actions. Special attention will be given to the enforcement of school bus safety violations to protect our children from entering and exiting school buses.

Participating Agencies will use Traffic Enforcement Zones, Saturation Patrols, Speed Enforcement Details, School Bus observation officers, and Multi-Jurisdictional Patrol strategies to identify and cite aggressive drivers.